Inventor Quantity Tool


Tool computes number of occurrences (total no of part/assembly used), referenced in selected assembly. This can be assigned to Custom iproperty as per user requirement, or user can also opt only for excel report. So user will have quantity of sub assemblies along with parts for all levels.

This Custom iproperty can be used as per requirements in drawings by referring custom iProperty.

Additional information

Current Version


Operating System

Windows 64

Last Updated

21 Jun 2021

Release Date

14 Sept 2013



Download Size

3 MB

Compatible With

Autodesk Inventor (Version: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013)
Autodesk Inventor Professional (Version: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013)

Customer Support





Select project to print


Select assembly on which you want to set quantity


Select all appropriate options


Set exclude locations and configurations


Execute the process to set quantity


Tool computes number of occurrences (total no of part/assembly used), referenced in selected assembly. This can be assigned to Custom iproperty as per user requirement, or user can also opt only for excel report. So user will have quantity of sub assemblies along with parts for all levels. This Custom iproperty can be used as per requirements in drawings by referring custom iProperty.
This is an independent application working with inventor. User can launch it from desktop icon or program files. Recommended – Close inventor before running this tool.
Select Project Browse the project from the drop-down menu. It contains all projects which you already added in inventor. In case the project is not added in Inventor, user can click “Add Project” and browse the .ipj file Select Assembly User can specify the assembly within that project. Tool will compute no of occurrences (total no of part/assembly used) referenced to selected assembly and fill quantity in custom iproperties of each part & assembly based on other specified options of tool. Tool will create/update assigned custom iproperty value with no of occurrences in all referenced parts and assemblies. Quantity of Selected Assembly User can also enter the quantity of the selected assembly and all the related parts and assemblies will be assigned with respective multiplied values. Set Quantity with Report This option can be used if user wants to add value of occurrences in custom iproperty field of all referenced documents along with report. Generate Report only This option can be used if user only wants the report of quantities used, and not to set it in the documents. Skip location outside workspace Tool will only include files within the workspace. Skip Libraries Tool will skip all the library documents as defined in the project. Silent Operation Tool will not display the error messages and will execute the operation. In case of failure the document will not get the property but the operation will not be interrupted.
Following image displays the configuration screen. User can set the default location of the report in this dialog.
“Exclude” tab is used to add skips locations. These locations will be excluded from inserting the quantity property.
Trial or Full License is required to activate Pro (Professional) version. This Version Keeps Excel Record of Unique Parts, Common Parts, Unique Assemblies, Common Assemblies and references. Unique Parts: Lists all the parts which are used once only in the assembly Common Parts: Lists all the parts which are referred from more than one assemblies. Report also lists all the assemblies in which the part is used. Common Assemblies: Lists all assemblies used in more than one assemblies and lists all of them Unique Assemblies: Lists assemblies which are used only once in the any assembly

Version History

3.0.0 06-July-17 Add Validation for report-location field.
2.9.0 16-Feb-17 Fix issue of excel report.
2.4.0 09-Nov-15 Added provision for Pro featuresStability Fixes
2.0.0 18-Dec-13 Record of unique Assembly in selected Assembly
1.2.0 14-Sep-13 Skip  location Outside workspace


license activator 2.3.0

Application Name  has 7 days trial license. For complete license user needs to get license key

On the first launch of Application Name, The license window will pop up. On main screen user can select appropriate options as shown in following figure.

User has to fill all the details and send to “”. User can also click “Send Mail” to request for the license.
Once request is made and license key is received, user can select “Activate license with license key” and go to next panel.
License RegKey
Licence activator
In this panel user has to enter the received license key and press “Activate” button. This will activate the complete license.

NOTE: The installation of the product requires the administrator privileges. Same privileges are necessary for managing the license.


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